Monday, January 30, 2012


I went to the eye doctor today. I didn't really need to, I haven't been having any vision problems or anything lately, but aren't you supposed to go every 6 months as well as to the dentist and stuff? I have no clue but I did it anyway. Turns out I have such a small amount of bad vision (-.25 whatever that means) that our insurance won't cover the glasses because the prescription isn't big enough. The good news would be that I don't need glasses because I have almost perfect vision. The bad news is I can no longer fulfill my childhood dream of wearing said glasses and fighting crime and stuff. Apparently my Drivers Ed instructor was wrong 5 years ago when he told me my bad driving could be a vision problem and my eyes would only go blinder. (ha, joke. but they did send me to the eye Dr. just in case)  I pretty much just wasted a perfectly good $15 to be told that my eyes are doing great. Good job guys. Keep up the good work.

fun fact: while I was googling a picture of eyes (every good post needs a picture so you can relate with me) I found out that Ommetaphobia is a fear of eyes. Who is scared of eyes?

my eye is way cooler than this one, but we don't have time for that

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