Saturday, March 3, 2012

Someone's in the Kitchen

Tonight Olivia and I decided to show the world our talents at baking. We started out with simple rice crispy treats, but little did we know you need like brand new marshmallows for that task to work. We had kind of old, hard ones, but we thought that melting them would equal that part not mattering. Well, we were wrong. It was kind of like gloop, and when mixed with the cereal, created sort of a mat. Like a place the table. They were weird. We then decided that cookies would be more practical and probably turn out better. I grabbed the boxed cookie mix from the cupboard (cause that's how I roll) and we got to work. 20 minutes later and a huge mess on the counter, we had ourselves some triple chocolate chunk chocolate chip cookies rolled in powdered sugar. Healthy, right? So yummy!! 

we ended up just throwing the cereal on top in the end because it wouldn't stick no matter what we tried.

the most pathetic crispy treats I've ever made. Poor guys. 

delicious. and so chocolaty it was almost too much of a good thing

we got a little crazy with the ingredients after we were done.


  1. Your life sounds like a big adventure!!! It's fun to read your updates. haha and good to know about the marshmallows...I'll make sure I never try that! Good luck with the job search!!!!

  2. haha I am having a ton of fun so far! DC is crazy and so much bigger than anywhere I've ever lived!! I have a couple of leads on jobs so hopefully I will be full time employed soon as a nanny :)

  3. I LOVE CHOCOLATE CRINKLES...why have we never made them together!?

    1. they were sooooo easy! i dont know why we never branched away from the famous chocolate chips ones.
