Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I knew it would happen. It was only a matter of time, but I knew I would have to deal with this sooner or later....I'm homesick. I want to go home and see my family again! I know I am the one who made the decision to move across the country for half the year, but I do miss my good ol' house in Burley. Don't get me wrong, I love Virginia and I love having a job and a nice place to live, but I have hit that time where I wonder why I did this. I am learning that fun lesson where the people you work with are not super pleasant, and going to work is actually not as fun as it could be. I hope when I get a grown up job someday, that will also mean that the people who work there are actually grown up...I am really tired of teenagers/young adults(20's)) who hate their job, hate being there, hate working, and hate doing things thoroughly. I tend to think that if you are lucky enough to have a job, the least you could do would be pretend you actually like being there. Yeah, sometimes the work isn't as fun as playing around all day, but then again you are getting paid so just do it and be quiet! But before this turns into a rant, I will get to the point. I miss my family! Come on July...get here faster!

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