Wednesday, April 13, 2011

April wind storms bring

    Ok, so what exactly is up with the weather? According to my calendar, spring was to begin March 20. It is now the middle of April and I still have to walk to class with a coat on! I am not ok with this year long winter we seem to be having.
    On a happier note, there are only 22 days left of this semester! And yes, I'm aware that some of you are finishing this week or already done. Don't talk to me about that. I decided our professors are as bored with the end of this semester as we are. We are literally doing a project on peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in one of my classes. Desperate much? We have to test people on their ability to make one according to instructions we made. Yes, I am aware this is complete busy work but hey- I happen to like a good pb&j every now and again.

1 comment:

  1. haha, I would like to see this peanut butter and jelly sandwich project for myself...
