Sunday, November 6, 2011

Be Aware

You are now breathing manually

You are now aware of the fact that your clothes are touching your skin and you can feel it

You are now aware that every time you swallow you hear a little crackle in your ears

You are now aware your nose is constantly in your peripheral vision

You are now aware that your tongue is unable to find a comfortable place in your mouth

You are now aware of how much you blink

You are now aware that your jaw has weight and you are holding it up

Your body is itching in at least one place

You are breathing manually again

You are blinking manually, too

You’re now aware I used a contraction this time, you are are now aware I just repeated a word, you are now aware this clause is false, and you are now aware that last clause was… untrue.

Final Countdown is now playing in your head

you're welcome.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA!!! the tongue one really got me. That, and the clothes one and the itchy one and the breathy one. And the swallowing one. Gulp.
