Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Run Joey, Run!

I read something that said you aren't a true blogger unless you blog at least once every 3 days. If not, you become forgettable and people stop caring about you. Or something like that. So I think I will stick with telling short stories. I don't know about you, but I have a short attention span and anything more than a paragraph or so, and I struggle. So here is a bunch of little stories, stuck together pretending to relate to each other....

I love the holidays! That's 3 excuses right there to eat a lot of food, see family that doesn't like to come around unless there is an abundance of food offered, and no school so friends who do that whole education thing come home! My best friendy Taylor came back from Boise finally, and Cheri came home from Provo! We did the whole sleep till noon thing, eat lots of treats, and just be lazy and happy. I love those girls. We also like to play the bro game. Just slap 'bro' into any word and you can have a lot of fun. Brobama, Jumbrotron, Brodo Baggins, Broe Biden, get the point.

me and my broham

eatin some cupcakes! (excuse my homeless look...)

And I think I would get in trouble if I didn't at least mention that my favorite cousins came to town. They are just little BYU kids so they humor us and come spend Thanksgiving weekend with little ol' Burley. So far we have made 'popcorn cake' which sounds disgusting, but is actually the most addicting food you will ever put in your mouth. We made a TON and I know I am feeling like I probably should take a break from eating that delicacy. (plus I am sure this is like a heart attack in a bowl...)

caramel corn, butter popcorn, peanut butter m&m's, milk duds, and pretzels with melted marshmallows holding it together. Yummmmmmmmm

side note: my neck is getting better! The swelling is almost all gone and the bruising has faded a little as well. Granted, it still looks like someone took a baseball bat to my throat, but I imagine that too will be gone with time.

sider note: I don't know if you were all aware of how fun google is, but get yourselves logged on to it. Click on everything! Especially the feather. Hours of entertainment. (and yeah, that link above is my own creation.)

And to tie this crazy blog post together, please fall in love with this video...


  1. Broham... you are the definition of awesome,

  2. I just wanted you to know that I read your blog...and I like it! Adding you to my feed...
    Cousin Erin Steele

  3. Umm this made me want to come home and have a best friend party suuuuuper bad! 20 days!
