Friday, November 11, 2011

Title Goes Here

I never really have anything to say, yet I blog all the time. I'm sure in all the words I do end up saying, less than half are actually interesting. That is the price you pay for clicking on my blog I guess ☼

I can't have people forgetting I exist, so work with me here. Key highlights: I am done working harvest. I know, I didn't think the day would come either. We finally finished hauling compost and dirt. Let me tell you, that job right there is enough to prove yourself in any dirty, nasty job out there. Also, I am currently accepting applications for friends. Seriously, it is getting ridiculous. Give me something to get ready for, people! I need to get out of this house. (also, I feel I should mention it should be within reason...don't request I travel hundreds of miles to get to you, you need to work with me) ☺

I know this will probably shock no one, but I have indeed changed my mind again about school. I am really tired of justifying my actions, apologizing for 'promises' broken, and letting people down. It occurred to me that I don't have to feel bad for not making everyone happy by where I go or what I do, because frankly, it's not their life. It's mine. So if I wanna go to Madagascar for a semester of school, let me. I have changed my mind and probably will change it 100 more times so, for now, it is probably best if you just don't ask me whats next. Unless you want a couple texts a day informing you of a new idea I've formulated. But don't worry, the day I walk out of my house and sit down at a desk in a classroom, you, my blog family, will hear about it.

And, I would feel ungrateful if I didn't at least mention the fact that it is Veterans Day! I love this holiday. Firstly because it is my sister's birthday and it is really easy for me to remember, and secondly because I love that we have a special day to celebrate the men and women from all over who give their lives for us! I am so happy I live in the US because I have been to other countries, and I know I have a lot of things I take for granted that others would give anything for. We really are blessed and I love that everyone is more aware of that today. Happy 11/11/11 everyone ♥

side note: I figured out how to make special characters on my blog, if you didn't notice  ☻◘ • I'll be done now. 


  1. Like! And I wish I knew how to do those special characters...

  2. What if I request you traveling thousands of miles, rather than hundreds? Is that do-able?
