Saturday, May 21, 2011

Noah's Ark

I saw more animals today while I was mowing then I ever have in my life. Ok, slight exaggeration, but you get the idea. These animals were not alive. It started out mowing a church and I saw a bird right in the way of my perfectly straight mowed line, so I had to go pick it up...ew right? I get my gloves on and pick up the headless bird to move it out of my path. As soon as I did this, millions of worms dropped out of the head hole and in a frenzy started shaking and wiggling and squirming all over the bird parts left on the ground. I almost died I was so grossed out. That was the most disgusting thing I have seen in awhile. Then, I cross to the other side of the church and there were baby bird eggs smashed on the sidewalk with what used to be the baby bird hanging out on the sidewalk. Again, instant repulsion. THEN, as we were driving out of that place, I almost hit a dog. I was in the big rig (picture those big trucker dudes out on the highway that are always in the way...thats me) and I couldn't break very fast because we weigh like a lot... so he gets out of the way and we went on our way. Close call. Last church- mowing along and I look down and there is a stink bug the size of a baseball practically and its just hanging out in my way. So, naturally I run it over and hope I don't have to deal with that when I empty the grass out of the back. Gross gross gross.

Me and my friend that I work with were trusted with the truck to go off on our own and get properties done while my boss and the other worker do their own thing... We navigated American Falls like it was our job. We have learned quite a bit about this... 1st- people respect you when you are in a vehicle that big. We get the cowboys and the farmers that pass us and we get the "nod". The nod of approval. What a great feeling. 2nd- sending 2 sleep deprived 19 year olds out for a 3 hour drive is going to produce some crazy sing alongs... 3rd- Cones don't stand a chance against me...and I may have unintentionally hit some on the construction filled street. Whoops.

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