Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Only Babies Belong at the Hospital

It would appear that I have enough stories from work to write a book. Today, I had an accident with a trash bag and a beer bottle. We finished mowing and were going around the church picking up trash when I encountered a broken beer bottle. I picked up all the pieces and put them in my trash bag and went on my way. As I was walking back to my lawn mower to drive back to the truck, I swung the trash bag, which then hit me in the back of my leg. I felt like something had hit me in the leg and when I looked, my jeans looked fine. I took a step and knew I was, in fact, not fine. I lifted up my pant leg and the blood started flowing. The broken bottle had cut my leg deep enough to need stitches but small enough that I could ride back to the truck to tell my boss. He said I could either go get stitches or try to put a bandaid on it. My mom came and super glued it together and butterfly bandaided it so I wouldn't bleed to death. She said if I was going to be on a work crew I had to be tough. Only babies go to the hospital.

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