Day 2 of not having to work! Yes! I love the rain. Granted, I don't think any member of the family that I work for is super stoked that their farm is under water, but I actually got to have a social life because of it. Yesterday I got to wake up when I wanted, do what I wanted, and go where I wanted. Today, I helped my uncle with book work for his business, totally rocked Microsoft Access and made him impressed, and went to a yoga class. And tomorrow I get my hair cut! I love this week. But I feel like I didn't provide sufficient detail for any of these things, so get yourself ready....
Wednesday I got some texts that said if the rain clears, we'll work. This Morning: still raining, no work. Maybe work tomorrow. Tonight: too much rain. See you Saturday. Maybe.
So, pretty much that means we will start working Monday again, maybe, and so I decided to do some fun things with my life for once.
Like attending a yoga class for the first time. My friend Taylor's mom invited me to a class tonight, so me and my mom went. It was kind of weird. I didn't do the above pose because I am pretty sure that is like a level 67 pose, and I'm still on level 1. My favorite part was when we were all laying in our relaxed positions in the dark with the magical music on in the background. The guy came over to me and told me to sit a certain way and to do a bunch of things with my legs propped against the wall. He then went away for a long time so I was just laying there with my eyes closed and concentrating on the weird position my legs were in. All of the sudden, I feel him crouch down by my head and he starts massaging my brain pretty much. It was a relaxation thing, but it was so unexpected it first scared me, then made me want to laugh. In a dead silent room with 6 other people in their own special place. He was just doing his own thing and all sorts of messing my hair up and then he walked away to go relax other people. I was hoping that we could be done after that. Then I found my mom, and we went on our little way.
Sorry this post is so disjointed and kind of all over the place, but then again if you don't already know this is how I am, we probably aren't very good friends and you probably aren't reading it anyway. So, yeah. Bye.
I do not want a brain massage Sam I am.