Thursday, September 1, 2011

Worst. Day. Ever.

I suppose if you have the best day of your life, the worst one has to be right around the corner. I won't go into full detail because who likes to hear whiney, complaining, woe is me posts? I sure don't. We'll just say, being a girl is hard.

I didn't even know I had allergies! I have been fine my whole life. Today, my eyes itched, my nose won't breathe, and I sneezed all day! I think those are like the basic 101 of allergies. The fields we are harvesting are not settling well with my immune system.

I will say though, I love my job. This post will be the ups and downs of my day. I really really am loving driving. It isn't hard, there is a new place to go every time you dump your load, and for some reason I just am enjoying this experience so much. It's hard to explain. I will say though, you have never experienced terrifying until you try to leave a field that is on a slant and as you are turning, you go on 2 wheels and you feel like you are tipping over. That is the scariest feeling in the world and I really wish I could figure out how to exit a field without dying.

These work pants of mine have seen better days. The first tear was from my job mowing lawns and I have since patched them to the best of my mom's ability.
At least I wore my cute undies that day! :)
 Today, I noticed my thigh hole is getting to ridiculous proportions. I think it may be time for new pants!

So, there are the high's and low's of today. Happy news: I get work off tomorrow for my birthday!! :) I love my boss being related to me!

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