Sunday, June 5, 2011


I spend a significant amount of time at rest stops it would appear. Yesterday my mom and I drove to Provo and back so we could pick up my car that was there. We didn't leave Burley till 4:30 so it was looking to be a late night. We crossed the Idaho border around 1 am and since neither of us could see straight, we pulled into the rest stop to sleep for awhile. We locked ourselves in the van and settled in for the longest night of my life... My 5'10 body did not want to sleep in the 5' foot back seat.  Besides, there was the occasional creeper that would walk by and the trees we parked next to were full of scary sounds.

When we got home, we found out my little brother had gotten in a bike accident and he was all scraped up and sad looking.

poor little guy. He just laid in my moms bed and was a sad and pathetic looking little thing.

Unrelated to yesterday's adventure is this story: as we drive to work every day, there is a cow that has been let out of the fence with the rest of his family. We think he was sick or something, so it's just been wandering around outside the fence. Its legs were chained together so it wouldn't run away, it was just allowed to shuffle around. I guess this is probably a normal thing for farming families or people who own animals, but to me it was the saddest thing. That poor guy had to wander around outside alone for probably 3 weeks. We drove past it on Saturday and it was out back, sprawled across the ground and had finally died (or been shot). That was nice to see that it didn't have to be sick anymore and it was finally taken care of.

My wandering thoughts and lack of a great post today is due to that fact that I'm running on probably 4 hours of sleep. Lets try again tomorrow.

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