Monday, July 11, 2011

The Good Samaritan

Its my birthday today. If you forgot, we aren't friends. Just kidding it's not. I like to find cakes at Smith's for the discount price and sometimes my mom buys them for me. This one is German Chocolate and it looks delectable. Well, it actually kind of looks gross, but I am almost certain it will taste good.

Today, also while at Smith's, we were in line and had already unloaded our cart of our 30 million groceries (which is usual for my mother) and this lady in front of us just informed the cashier that she was out of money with 9 or so dollars left on her bill. She said that she had some kids that were coming 'soon' and they would pay the rest. We stood there for about 7 minutes and they didn't appear to be coming. So I  took out my wallet and just paid it. Everyone was happy that so we could get moving and get the show on the road. Finally about 5 minutes later the girls showed up and gave me a couple of dollars.The lady didn't even thank me, she just rolled herself out of the store on her little electric wheelchair. The manager working there however gave me a huge smile, and that made it all worth it.

Lastly, this little guy was on our window this morning. I figured since I have some sort of animal sighting at least once a day, we can all treasure it together. 

Oh, side-note: Today, we were mowing during a thunder and lightning storm. I had two thoughts. 1- Can you be struck by lightning while riding a ride mower? and 2- If I got struck by a lightning bolt, would I be thrown off my mower, run over by it, crash it into a wall, and then find myself with a lost memory and no account of how I got there? These are the thoughts that run through my head during work.

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