Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Half Empty

When you think something looks like a stick, it is probably best to examine said object fully before getting any closer. What I thought to be a stick turned out to be a dead mouse. I weed-eated right over it, which in turn caught the little guys body and flew it in the air, towards me. I do not love mice in dead form or alive, so this little turn of events was not my favorite part of today. Nor was the blazing heat in which we worked in. At 7:45pm as we were packing up ready to go home, it was 88 degrees. That's what kind of day I had. On the bright side (literally) I am a lot redder than when I started this day. Which means in a few days once the pain has died down, I will be tan! Today, things went wrong. Since we got yesterday off, we had to do double the properties today which meant we pretty much were guaranteed a 12 hour day. This morning the truck wouldn't start because the key was left on in the ignition, my mower completely ran out of gas in the middle of the grass, I ran out of water after drinking my full gallon, and it was hotter than five foxes fighting a forest fire. (See my sister's blog for explanation on that one).  If you think this is as complain-y as I can get, think again. It was just too hot for me to love today. Lets try again tomorrow. 

One tiny happy note: I painted my fingers tonight and they look marvelous. Thanks to my best Taylor for supplying much needed new colors.


  1. I thought the stick mouse was going to turn out to be snake. At least the dead cat and the dead mouse will be together forever now.

  2. YES! I made it into the blog. That means I'm a winner :)
