Monday, August 1, 2011

Bob the Builder

Having a life plan is awesome. It makes you feel so good to know that you are finally working towards something and that you won't be living with your parents for the unforeseeable future (only half joking here...)  I have been wondering to myself why am I working? Why do I wake up and go to a job that I only half like anymore? I think I finally figured it out. In January I tentatively plan on going to Washington State University for a semester and try out this whole college experience again. I kind of gave up on college and told myself I was never going again after that whole SUU thing I did there. That made college kind of not so much of a party for me. But anyway. I plan on applying to the Hill Cumorah Pageant this year to be in it in 2012. I did it when I was about 12 or 13 and I still remember doing it. That't how great of an experience it was for me. I am really excited about this and I hope I make the cut. Who knows if they want someone all the way from Idaho! (for more info visit Also, I went on a run tonight so I am kind of on a runners high, and feeling really positive and happy tonight! That little activity will definitely be repeated!


  1. where did WASHINGTON come from?? PS don't answer this on here, cuz blogs don't know how to communicate very well and I would likely never see your answer. just keep my question in mind until our next visit.
